New Printable Resource

Warning!! Stop scrolling if you are a time management queen.

If that isn't the case, mama, then this is for you! Start time blocking today with this easy to customize, FREE printable template, made with the busy mama in mind.

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    Kinzy is a new mom and blogger who loves helping other busy mamas implement systems and OWN their time so they can embrace motherhood and pursue their passions.

    Click here for more details about the mama behind the blog Coffee With Kinzy.

    What you get:

    Choose between a functional weekly or daily time blocking printable PDF to try your hand at this amazing system.

    A sample of how simple it can look:

    Of course you can add many more details and personalize it to fit your every need!

    What is Time blocking all about?

    Time blocking is a system designed to allow you to schedule in the things that are most important to you (your non-negotiables) so you can confidently tackle your to do’s.

    The purpose of time blocking is to prevent inefficient multitasking, help you remain focused, get in the zone, stop procrastinating, and, ultimately, OWN your time. It takes away the stress of an overwhelming to do list by forcing you to break down your goals into manageable chunks you can fit into your busy day.

    Click here to read more about time blocking on the blog.